Download Photo Calendar Creator Crack
Photo Calendar Creator 15.0
Create personalized photo calendars for home and office with 250 templates!
Create professional photo calendars for any month or year with 250 templates, designed in a variety of styles. The user can customize the calendar, add any number of photos, create custom groups of holidays and make calendars in any language. Save your calendar as image and print at home or in a printing house. A personal calendar is not only an outstanding gift for friends and relatives, but it is also an excellent promotional product!
Photo Calendar Creator 15.0 full details
Photo Calendar Creator - Windows 7 Download awards
Photo Calendar Creator 15.0 full description
Photo Calendar Creator is smart photo calendar software that allows everyone to create personalized calendars of any kind - annual, monthly, wall, desk, pocket, booklet calendars, weekly and monthly planners. A photo calendar makes a nice gift to congratulate your relatives, friends, co-workers on a birthday, wedding anniversary, Christmas, Easter and other holidays. The program is also perfect for creating professional promo calendars with a corporate logo and slogan. With Photo Calendar Creator, calendar making is a lot quicker and easier than ever before. Using the collection of 250 design templates, you can create a professional calendar in minutes. To begin, you need to select a calendar template, add photos and set the page properties. Then it is possible to select the starting year and month, customize holidays and their look, add a picture for each calendar cell and more. To enhance a calendar, you can add text, clipart, Moon phases and photos and enhance the latter with shadows, frames and masks. Photo Calendar Creator allows you to include various groups of holidays such as national, religious, corporate, family holidays. The program comes with the built-in editor for creating a custom group of holidays. It is possible to make a calendar in any language. There is also the month template editor to customize the look of a calendar: personalize the format and style of a month header, weekdays, weekends and holidays; resize month and day names; hide empty cells. Photo Calendar Creator allows the user to save a calendar to one of the popular image formats such as JPEG (with various degrees of compression), PNG, TIFF, or PDF and share it on Facebook, blog or other website, or email to friends. Additionally, it is possible to export the output to Photoshop, save to CMYK for printing in the printing house, save a calendar as desktop wallpaper or send it to printer.
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Photo Calendar Creator 15.0 Windows 7 release notes
Major Update
New calendar designs for 2021.
Import birthdays & anniversaries from CSV.
Add photos for cells in the holiday database.
Holiday database updated (up to 2025).
[ Photo Calendar Creator release history ]
Photo Calendar Creator 15.0 Windows 7 requirements
CPU 1 GHz, 256 Mb RAM
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